mutual realm

please listen below

“It’s a sham and a bad rehearsal: desire is not connected to any single choice, it functions in the mutual realm” – WHAT THE FIRE SEES: A DIVIDED READER

mutual realm

carved yellow cedar, carved white pine, poplar, OSB, MDF, 150 gallon reptile tank, ½ gallon containers, paint, joint compound, glass, beach glass, plastic, dirt, crystal, paraffin wax, olive brine, shoe, copper, sweet potato, potato, vanilla bean, cinnamon stick, Tylenol pm, broth, radicchio, black tea, water, garlic skins, onion skins, rock salt, vitamin D, incense, chewing gum, rocks, samaras, dust, steel, insulation foam, mica, aluminum, brass, carrot juice, green apple, avocado pit, mica, yam berries, coffee grounds, allen wrench, mung bean, tape, mold, pyrite, blood, slag, tobacco, horseradish root, yucca root, beet root, ginger root, kool-aid, leather glove, coins, zucchini sprouts, chamomile seeds, watermelon seeds, firewood, ceramic, petrified bone, earwigs, rhinestones, photography, sound

dimensions vary